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Lesson Plan Name Grades
Claymation Film Festival 3 to 8
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
This project allows students to extend their story-writing skills to a new medium. Students will learn the essential elements of a story through creating a storyboard, characters, and a short claymation video
art tech club 5 to 7
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Interested and motivated students in various grades join one of my Friday "art club" groups. At least one group spends their time making an animated movie.
Capturing Conic Sections with Digital Cameras 9 to 12
(0 stars, 2 ratings)
This project will help students to make connections between math and the real world by having them identify conic sections in art and architecture in their communities. Students will photograph these examples of circles, ellipses, parabolas, and hyperbolas in the real world with digital cameras and then write the equations for the graphs.
Claymation Video Lessons 5 to 12
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Students will create simple 3D oil-based clay characters, which will move through 2D student-created environments(stop-action videography). Students will narrate the stories thus created.
Creating Fairytales using Tool Factory Movie Maker software 9 to 12
(0 stars, 2 ratings)
Students will create their own fairytale or a modern day interpretation of an existing fairy tale using Tool Factory Movie Maker software.
DNA Replication Animation 7 to 12
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Students use modeling clay and stop-motion animation to illustrate the replication of DNA.
Family HIstories Alive! 2 to P-K
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Students will conduct a family interview, curate family photos through narration, and reflect on a family heirloom/artifact. Students will use a video camera to document their interview, photo narration, and heirloom/artifact reflection.
Fantasy Fiction Video Finale 6 to 8
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Students use flip video cameras and iMovie to create visual reflections for their culminating project in Fantasy Fiction book groups.
Introduction to Stop Motion 2 to 12
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
This is basically accomplishing three things: teaching kids the process and technology involved with stop-motion animation, working on the editing side of making a movie, and creating two projects (one to practice application and one for synthesis).
Persistence of Vision/Thaumatrope and Flip Book 9 to 12
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Thaumatrope: Scientifically students will come to understand the Persistence of Vision, the theory which explains why our eyes are able to see objects on film move instead of seeing individual pictures. Flipbook: Students will take Persistence of Vision one step further by making a short 4 second flip book that will be captured and viewed on video as animation, finally seeing the tie between art, history, science, and technology.
Persistence of Vision: Animation I 10 to 12
Students will study the early history of moving pictures as an introduction to the concept of persistence of vision and animation. Students will develop a final animation which utilizes a variety of animation sequences: computer drawn, stop motion, hand drawn, with a 6.0 megapixel Olympus digital camera and the Tool Factory software MultiMedia Lab V.
Reading Rainbow for Second Graders 2 to 2
Students will collaborate to develop a multimedia presentation based on a theme using a Reading Rainbow format consisting of book summaries, a team documentary, and original writing with illustrations. Teams of students with similar interests would be selected to work together on an eight to nine week project which will allow for differentiated learning opportunities.
Stop Motion Animation with Photographs 5 to 12
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Have students move objects in a scene and take a series of photographs that create the illusion of movement of said objects. The students will then put the photos in a video editing program to make a short video of their characters in action.
What's in a Story--A Short Story/Film Unit 5 to 12
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Students analyze and evaluate "story" through both the written word of short story and the visual images of short film. The lesson/unit culminates in a production of a short film. This is run in a workshop format, with mini-lessons and some direct instruction/practice of skills as the project unfolds.
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